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MgF2 Windows:

MgF2 window is an optical window manufactured from crystalline Magnesium Fluoride. This hard and durable optical material is well suitable for applications under harsh conditions. It is highly resistant to chemical etching as well as mechanical and thermal shock. In addition, it also resists tohigh laser damage threshold. MgF2 windows are well suited for deep-UV applications, even extending into the vacuum-UV region. They offer >50% transmission at 120 nm, making them suitable for use with excimer laser systems.

MgF2 has a melting point of 1255 degrees Celsius. It has a density of 3.177 g/cm3, and a tetragonal crystal type. Our optical windows are typically oriented with the round surfaces perpendicular to the c-axis of the MgF2 crystal to minimize birefringence.  Custom random cut MgF2 windows can be manufactured on request.


ParameterStandard Specification
Diameter5 ~ 150mm
Diameter tolerance+0-0.1mm
Thickness tolerance+/-0.01mm
Surface quality20-10 ~ 80-50
Flatness<1 lambda per 25mm
Clear Aperture


Parallelism<3 arc minutes
0.3mm@45 degree
CoatingAR coating
* Remark:Customized is available