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Dual Wavelength Waveplate:

This waveplate is a special kind of multi order waveplate. Dual wavelength waveplate is designed to be used in dual wavelength setups, for example, it can be operated as a quarter waveplate @1064nm and as a half waveplate @532nm at the same time. It's always used to manage the states of polarization of laser beams to obtain maximum conversion efficiency.


MaterialCrystal Quartz
Diameter Tolerance+0-0.2mm
Surface quality20-10
Wavefront Distortion<λ/8@632.8nm
Clear Aperture>90%
Parallelism<1 arc second
Retardation Tolerance<λ/100

R<0.5%@two wavelengths

Damage Threshold>5J/cm2,20ns, 20Hz@1064nm
* Remark:Customized is available